A cada dia que vivo, mais me convenço
de que o desperdício da vida está no amor
que não damos, nas forças que não usamos,
na prudência egoísta que nada arrisca, e que,
esquivando-se do sofrimento,
faz perder também a felicidade.
A dor é inevitável.
O sofrimento é opcional.
(Carlos Drumond de Andrade)
A dor é inevitável.
O sofrimento é opcional.
(Carlos Drumond de Andrade)
A miracule
Times are hard
When the things have got no meaning
I've found a key upon the floor
Maybe you and I will not believe
In the things we find behind the door
When the things have got no meaning
I've found a key upon the floor
Maybe you and I will not believe
In the things we find behind the door
So what's the matter with you?
Sing me something new...don't you know
The cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go away
Sing me something new...don't you know
The cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go away
Stand By Me - Nobody knows the way it's gonna be...
Oasis - banda britânica.
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